Common Tern 

The Common Tern (Latin: Sterna hirundo)  is a bird species that visitors often encounter during summer strolls in Stångehuvud.

It flies to and fro over the water in search of food, especially small fish like herring. Terns are smaller and have narrower wings than gulls. Terns are skilled aviators and dive quickly to the water when they have discovered something edible. Often a sharp sound, "kii-rii", or an impatient "kik-kik-kik", is  heard and a common sight is several terns in company in a rapid flight over the water. 
The Common Tern is a long-distance migrant. From the beginning of May until August it is found at the Swedish west-coast. When the evenings become  darker in August the Common Tern starts its move to the south, towards the western part of the Mediterranean Sea and on to the west coast of Africa down to The Cape Colony.


Common Tern.


Common Tern is very similar Arctic Tern but separated at its black tip on the red 
beak. The Arctic Tern has all red beak.