Animal life in Stångehuvud


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The wildlife in the Stångehuvud area is dominated by seabirds of different kinds. Herring Gull and its larger relative, the Great Black-Backed Gull (pictures below) are characteristic species of the area. Eider can be seen nearly all the year around, and in the summer females eiders are seen with their chicks in the bays around Stångehuvud (picture above). 
Common Terns 
sweep the coves and inlets in their search for food during the summer. The characteristic dark long-necked silhouettes of Great Cormorant are seen regularly. The black and white outfit of Oystercatcher can be spotted from March to early autumn and its typical sound "cubik-cubik" is heard far and wide.


In ponds south of the lighthouse, swimming birds such as Mallards and Mute Swan can occasionally be seen. Rarer wind-driven sea birds, such as Little Auk and Gannets have also been observed.

The number of bird species in the granite landscape is relatively small. The high vocal sounds of the otherwise inconspicious Rock Pipit
can sometimes be heard over the rocks in the summer. The Wheatear is another characteristic species associated with the open mountainous landscape. In the bushes and shrubs in the rift between Pinnevik and Munkevik, you may encounter more species that are normally associated with deciduous or mixed forest, such as Robins, Warblers, Great Tit, Blue Tit and Marsh Tit.

Great Cormorant.


Several of the ponds of fresh water are good habitats for amphibians. The protected Lesser Newt is observed in some of these ponds.

Among the higher animal life, hares (Latin: Lepus) are seen occasionally and sometimes foxes are visible in Stångehuvud. At a few occasions Roe Deer have been observed in for example Munkeviks Mule. There is also an observation of a  roe deer seen swimming to the islet of Humlesäcken to the west of Stångholmen.


Great Black-Backed Gull. Herring Gull is one of the most common bird species in Stångehuvud.